Meeting 51th IETF London, August 2001

Reading the relevant RFC 2014 with code of conduct for co-chairs as we formally call for a RG-meeting at the IETF in London, UK on August
10'th starting 9h00 ending 11h30 in Palace Suite Blenheim. The meeting is open to everybody.
See also ietf agenda .


CHAIRS: John Vollbrecht < >
        Cees de Laat < >

Cees de Laat          10 : Agenda bashing, FNT and opening remarks
Cees de Laat          10 : Status, drafts and ongoing activities
Christian Hesselman   10 : Content and QoS Policies in Multi-domain Heterogeneous Mobile Systems
Walter Weiss          40 : draft: draft-ietf-rap-access-bind-00.txt
                           title: "Framework for Binding Access Control to COPS Provisioning"
John Vollbrecht       20 : discussion: next steps AUTH-PIB
                           see memo on mailing list
Arie Taal             29 : draft: draft-irtf-aaaarch-generic-pol-00.txt
                           title: A grammar for Policies in a Generic AAA Environment
Guus Sliepen           1 : draft: draft-irtf-aaaarch-aaa-pol-01.txt
                           title: Policies in AAA
Bob Morgan            15 : Shibboleth and related projects update, impact of Globus
chairs                15 : closing remarks, next steps, summary, collect colored sheets

P.S. FNT = Find Note Taker

Information about the RG can be found on the IRTF web pages and:

In order to sit in the front two rows people are required to read the drafts relevant to this RG available on the above mentioned web page and to brouwse through the mail archive of the mailing list of this group at:
CdL - aug 9th 2001 Visitors of this page: